How Much Is A Decent Gaming PC?

If you’ve ever wondered how much a decent gaming PC would cost you, then you’re in luck. In this article, we’ll break down the various components that make up a gaming PC and provide you with an estimate of how much you can expect to spend. From the graphics card to the processor, we’ll explore the different options available and help you determine the best fit for your budget. So whether you’re a casual gamer or a hardcore enthusiast, keep reading to find out just how much you’ll need to shell out for the ultimate gaming experience.

How Much Is A Decent Gaming PC?

Factors Affecting the Price of a Gaming PC

When it comes to buying a gaming PC, there are several factors that can greatly affect its price. Understanding these factors will help you make an informed decision and get the most value for your money.


The processor, also known as the CPU (Central Processing Unit), is one of the most important components of a gaming PC. It determines the speed and overall performance of your computer. A faster and more powerful processor usually comes at a higher price point. However, keep in mind that not all games require a high-end CPU, so it’s essential to choose one that suits your gaming needs.

Graphics Card

The graphics card, or GPU (Graphics Processing Unit), is another crucial component that greatly impacts gaming performance. A powerful graphics card is essential for rendering high-quality graphics and achieving smooth gameplay. Like the processor, the price of a graphics card varies depending on its capabilities. Consider your gaming requirements and choose a graphics card accordingly.


Random Access Memory (RAM) is the temporary storage that your gaming PC uses to store data. It plays a vital role in multitasking and running games smoothly. The more RAM your PC has, the better it can handle resource-intensive games and applications. While RAM prices have become more affordable in recent years, higher capacities will still increase the overall cost of the gaming PC.


Storage is where your games, operating system, and files are stored. There are two main types of storage: Hard Disk Drives (HDDs) and Solid-State Drives (SSDs). HDDs are generally cheaper and offer more significant storage capacities, while SSDs are faster and more reliable. Consider your budget and storage needs when choosing between the two.

Power Supply

The power supply unit (PSU) provides electrical power to the components of your gaming PC. It’s essential to have a reliable and efficient PSU to ensure stable and safe operation. A higher-quality PSU may come at a higher price, but it’s a worthwhile investment to protect your components.


The motherboard serves as the foundation of your gaming PC, connecting all the components together. It determines the compatibility and expandability of your system. The price of motherboards can vary significantly based on features, such as overclocking capabilities, number of slots for RAM and expansion cards, and build quality.

Cooling System

To prevent overheating and ensure optimal performance, a gaming PC requires an efficient cooling system. This can include CPU coolers, case fans, and liquid cooling solutions. The price of cooling components depends on factors such as performance, noise levels, and aesthetics.

Case and Peripherals

The case and peripherals, such as the keyboard, mouse, and monitor, also contribute to the overall cost of a gaming PC. These items have varying price ranges depending on factors such as build quality, features, and brand reputation. It’s essential to choose peripherals that suit your gaming preferences and budget.

Operating System

The choice of operating system can also impact the cost of your gaming PC. Windows is the most common operating system among gamers, but it comes with a price tag. Alternatively, open-source Linux distributions are free but may have fewer compatible games and require additional technical knowledge.

Additional Features

Additional features such as RGB lighting, Wi-Fi connectivity, and sound cards can add to the cost of a gaming PC. While these features may enhance the aesthetics or functionality of your setup, they are not necessary for a decent gaming experience. Consider your priorities and budget when deciding on these extras.

Budget Ranges

Different gamers have different budgets, and understanding the options within your price range is crucial. Here are some common budget ranges in the gaming PC market:

Entry-Level Budget

An entry-level budget typically ranges from $500 to $800. PCs in this range offer basic gaming performance and can handle less demanding games at lower settings. They are ideal for casual gamers or those on a tight budget.

Mid-Range Budget

A mid-range budget falls between $800 and $1500. PCs in this range provide better gaming performance and can handle most modern games at decent settings. They offer excellent value for money and are suitable for gamers looking for a balance between price and performance.

High-End Budget

A high-end budget is typically between $1500 and $3000. PCs in this range offer top-of-the-line components and can handle demanding games at high settings with ease. They are ideal for gamers who prioritize performance and want a future-proof system.

Enthusiast-Level Budget

Enthusiast-level budgets exceed $3000 and are for gamers who demand the absolute best performance and the latest cutting-edge technology. These gaming PCs are built with high-end components and are often customized to the user’s specific preferences.

Average Prices for Different Budget Ranges

It’s important to note that the prices mentioned below can vary depending on factors such as brand, configuration, and current market conditions.

Entry-Level Budget

For an entry-level budget, you can expect to spend around $500 to $800. At this price range, you can get a gaming PC with a mid-range processor, a budget graphics card, 8GB of RAM, and a 1TB HDD.

Mid-Range Budget

With a mid-range budget of $800 to $1500, you can get a gaming PC with a faster processor, a more powerful graphics card, 16GB of RAM, and either a larger HDD or an SSD for faster storage.

High-End Budget

For a high-end budget of $1500 to $3000, you can expect to get a gaming PC with a top-of-the-line processor, a high-performance graphics card, 16GB to 32GB of RAM, and a combination of SSD and HDD storage.

Enthusiast-Level Budget

Enthusiast-level budgets exceeding $3000 offer the most powerful components available in the market. These gaming PCs often feature the latest CPUs and GPUs, 32GB to 64GB of RAM, multiple high-speed storage options, and advanced cooling solutions.

How Much Is A Decent Gaming PC?

Building vs Buying a Gaming PC

Once you have a budget in mind, the next decision is whether to build your gaming PC from scratch or buy a pre-built one. Let’s explore the factors to consider for each option.

Cost Comparison

Building a gaming PC from individual components often allows for more cost-effective customization. By selecting the specific components you need, you can prioritize performance where it matters most to you and allocate your budget accordingly. Pre-built PCs, on the other hand, are typically priced higher due to the added cost of labor, assembly, and brand premiums.


Building a gaming PC from scratch offers maximum customization. You have complete control over every component and can tailor your PC to your exact specifications. Pre-built PCs, while they may have some customization options, are limited to the manufacturer’s offerings, and making changes after purchase can be more challenging.


Building your gaming PC allows for greater upgradability in the future. You can easily swap out components as needed to keep up with the latest technological advancements. Pre-built PCs may have limitations on upgradability due to form factors, proprietary parts, or specific designs.

Warranty and Support

Pre-built PCs typically come with warranties that cover the entire system, offering peace of mind in case of any hardware failures. On the other hand, building a PC from scratch means dealing with individual warranties for each component. It’s important to consider the level of support and after-sales service provided by the manufacturer or retailer.

Time and Effort

Building a gaming PC requires time, research, and some technical knowledge. It can be a rewarding experience for enthusiasts, but it may not be feasible for those with limited time or expertise. Buying a pre-built PC saves time, as it comes ready to use out of the box.

Tips for Maximizing Performance on a Budget

If you have a limited budget for your gaming PC, there are several tips and strategies to help you maximize performance without breaking the bank.

Prioritize Components

When working with a tight budget, it’s crucial to prioritize components that have the most significant impact on gaming performance. Invest in a powerful graphics card and a decent processor, as these are key factors in delivering smooth gameplay.

Consider Used or Refurbished Parts

Buying used or refurbished parts can save you a significant amount of money without sacrificing performance. Be cautious and purchase from reputable sellers to ensure you’re getting quality components that are in good working condition.

Research and Compare Prices

Do thorough research and compare prices from different retailers or online marketplaces. Prices for components can vary, and hunting for the best deals can help you save money.

Optimize Settings and Overclocking

Optimizing in-game settings and overclocking your components can help squeeze out more performance without spending any extra money. However, be mindful of the potential risks and ensure you have sufficient cooling to handle the increased workload.

Futureproofing Considerations

Consider futureproofing your gaming PC by investing in components that will meet your gaming needs for an extended period. While it may require a higher upfront cost, it can save you money in the long run by delaying the need for major upgrades.

Pre-Built Gaming PCs vs Custom-Built Gaming PCs

Both pre-built and custom-built gaming PCs have their advantages and disadvantages. Understanding these pros and cons will help you make an informed decision based on your preferences and requirements.

Pros of Pre-Built Gaming PCs

  • Convenience: Pre-built PCs are ready to use out of the box, saving you time and effort.
  • Warranty and Support: Manufacturers offer warranties that cover the entire system, including parts and labor.
  • Tested Compatibility: Pre-built PCs are assembled and tested to ensure that all components work together seamlessly.

Cons of Pre-Built Gaming PCs

  • Limited Customization: Pre-built PCs have limited customization options, and making changes after purchase can be more challenging.
  • Higher Cost: Due to the added cost of assembly and brand premium, pre-built PCs are often priced higher compared to building from scratch.

Pros of Custom-Built Gaming PCs

  • Maximum Customization: You have complete control over every component, allowing you to create a PC tailored to your exact needs and preferences.
  • Cost-Effective: Building from scratch allows you to prioritize components and allocate your budget accordingly, potentially offering better value for money.

Cons of Custom-Built Gaming PCs

  • Time and Effort: Building a PC from scratch requires time, research, and some technical knowledge, making it less feasible for those with limited time or expertise.
  • Individual Warranties: Each component comes with its own warranty, requiring you to deal with multiple warranty processes and support.

Considerations for Choosing

When choosing between pre-built and custom-built gaming PCs, consider factors such as your budget, time, technical knowledge, desired customization, and the level of warranty and support you require.

Buying a Gaming PC from a Brand vs a Local Store

Another decision you might face when purchasing a gaming PC is whether to buy from a well-known brand or a local store. Let’s explore the pros and cons of each option.

Pros of Buying from a Brand

  • Brand Reputation: Well-known brands often have a reputation for quality and reliability in their products.
  • Extensive Support: Brands generally offer comprehensive customer support and after-sales service.
  • Pre-Configured Options: Brands often offer pre-configured PCs that cater to different budget ranges and gaming needs.

Cons of Buying from a Brand

  • Higher Cost: Due to brand name premiums, PCs from well-known brands can often be more expensive compared to buying from local stores.
  • Limited Customization: Brand PCs may have limited customizability options, restricting your ability to tailor the system to your exact preferences.

Pros of Buying from a Local Store

  • Competitive Pricing: Local stores may offer more competitive prices compared to branded options, allowing you to get more for your money.
  • Personalized Service: Local stores often provide personalized customer service, offering a more hands-on experience when choosing your components.
  • Easy Access: With a local store, you can physically visit the store, discuss your requirements, and see the products before making a purchase.

Cons of Buying from a Local Store

  • Limited Brand Options: Local stores may have a more limited selection of brands and models compared to larger retailers.
  • Support and Warranty: Warranty and support may be limited, depending on the store’s policies, so be sure to inquire about their after-sales services.

Considerations for Choosing

Consider factors like budget, brand reputation, customization options, after-sales service, and the overall purchasing experience when deciding whether to buy from a brand or a local store.

Factors to Consider When Choosing a Gaming PC

Several factors should be taken into account when choosing a gaming PC. Carefully considering these factors will help ensure you make the right decision.

Intended Use and Games

Consider the specific games you plan to play and the system requirements they demand. Different games have varying hardware demands, and your gaming PC should meet or exceed those requirements for optimal performance.

Future Expansion

If you anticipate wanting to upgrade your gaming PC in the future, consider its expansion potential. Look for systems that have room for additional components or those with upgrade-friendly features like extra RAM slots or expansion ports.


Ensure that all components of the gaming PC are compatible with each other. Consider factors such as socket compatibility for the CPU and motherboard, GPU dimensions for the case, and power requirements for all components.

Upgrade Options

Consider the ease and availability of upgrading components in the future. Some manufacturers design their PCs with easily accessible components and upgrade-friendly designs, making it simpler to swap out parts as needed.

Warranty and Support

Check the warranty and support offered by the manufacturer or retailer. Look for warranties that cover all components, including labor and shipping costs, and consider the reputation of the company for providing quality customer service.


As with any purchase, your budget plays a vital role in your decision-making process. Determine your budget range and prioritize components that will provide the best gaming experience within that range.

Alternative Options to Expensive Gaming PCs

If a gaming PC is not within your budget or you have other preferences, there are alternative options available that still provide an enjoyable gaming experience.

Gaming Laptops

Gaming laptops offer the convenience of portability and can provide a decent gaming experience. While they may not have the same level of upgradability as desktop PCs, they are a suitable option for gamers who need mobility.

Game Consoles

Game consoles, such as PlayStation and Xbox, offer an affordable and straightforward gaming experience. They are plug-and-play devices that require no additional components or configuration. Consoles also have exclusive titles not available on PCs.

Cloud Gaming Services

Cloud gaming services, such as Google Stadia and Nvidia GeForce Now, allow you to stream games over the internet without the need for high-end hardware. This option relies on a stable internet connection and offers access to a wide range of games without the cost of a powerful gaming PC.

Gaming Streaming Services

Similar to cloud gaming services, gaming streaming services like Twitch and YouTube Gaming offer a platform for gamers to watch and interact with others. If gaming hardware is out of reach, these services can still provide entertainment and a sense of community.


The price of a decent gaming PC can vary greatly depending on factors such as the processor, graphics card, RAM, storage, and additional features. Understanding your budget range and the components that have the most significant impact on gaming performance will help you make an informed decision. Whether you choose to build or buy, consider factors like customization, upgradability, warranty, and support. With careful consideration of these factors, you can find a gaming PC that suits your needs and provides an excellent gaming experience while staying within your budget. Remember, there are alternative options available if a gaming PC is not the right choice for you.



