What Is A Good Amount Of Money For A PC?

So you’re in the market for a new PC, but you’re left wondering: what is a good amount of money to invest in one? With endless options and price ranges out there, it can be overwhelming trying to decide how much to allocate for this essential piece of technology. After all, you want something that will meet your needs now and in the future, without breaking the bank. In this article, we’ll explore the factors to consider when determining the ideal amount of money to spend on a PC, so you can make an informed decision and find the perfect balance between performance and affordability.

What Is A Good Amount Of Money For A PC?


When it comes to buying a PC, determining your budget is the first step. The amount of money you are willing to spend will greatly influence the components and performance you can expect from your new computer. There are generally three categories of budgets: low-end, mid-range, and high-end. Each has its own set of advantages and limitations, so let’s take a closer look at each one.

Low-end budget

A low-end budget for a PC typically ranges between $300 to $600. With this budget, you can expect a basic computer that can handle essential tasks such as web browsing, document editing, and multimedia playback. However, gaming and resource-intensive applications will not perform well on low-end systems. These budget PCs usually come with lower-spec components, which may limit their lifespan before needing an upgrade. Nevertheless, they can still be a good option for those with minimal computing needs or tight budgets.

Mid-range budget

If you have a bit more money to spare, a mid-range budget of around $600 to $1200 offers a significant step up in performance and capabilities. With a mid-range PC, you can comfortably handle tasks such as casual gaming, multimedia editing, and multitasking. These computers typically have more capable processors, graphics cards, and larger amounts of memory (RAM). They also tend to have more storage space and better cooling systems compared to low-end PCs. A mid-range budget strikes a good balance between affordability and performance, making it suitable for most users.

High-end budget

For the ultimate performance and top-of-the-line components, a high-end budget of $1200 and above is the way to go. High-end PCs are built to handle demanding tasks such as high-resolution gaming, professional video editing, and resource-intensive applications. These computers boast high-performance processors, powerful graphics cards, ample memory, and fast storage options. When it comes to high-end systems, the sky’s the limit, with the option to customize your PC based on your specific needs and preferences. However, it’s important to note that high-end PCs may come with a hefty price tag, so be prepared to invest accordingly.


When building a PC, it is essential to carefully consider the components you choose. Each component plays a critical role in determining the overall performance and capabilities of your computer. Let’s take a look at some of the key components you’ll need to consider.


The processor, or CPU (Central Processing Unit), is often considered the brain of your computer. It determines how fast your computer can execute tasks and how well it can handle multitasking. The two main manufacturers of processors are Intel and AMD. Intel processors are known for their strong single-core performance, making them ideal for gaming and single-threaded applications. AMD processors, on the other hand, excel in multi-threaded workloads, such as video editing and content creation. When choosing a processor, consider factors like clock speed, core count, cache size, and power consumption.

Graphics card

If you plan on gaming or engaging in graphic-intensive tasks, a dedicated graphics card is essential. The graphics card, or GPU (Graphics Processing Unit), determines how well your computer can render and display images, videos, and games. NVIDIA and AMD are the two main players in the graphics card market. NVIDIA cards, particularly their GeForce series, are renowned for their excellent gaming performance and feature-rich software. AMD’s Radeon cards, on the other hand, provide great value for the price and are popular among budget-conscious gamers. When choosing a graphics card, consider factors like gaming requirements, rendering capabilities, and VR (Virtual Reality) support.

Memory (RAM)

Random-access memory (RAM) is the temporary storage that your computer uses to store data during active tasks. Having sufficient RAM is crucial for smooth multitasking and running resource-intensive applications. The amount of RAM you need depends on your specific requirements. For casual users, 8GB to 16GB of RAM is generally sufficient. However, for gaming, graphic design, and video editing, 16GB or more is recommended to ensure optimal performance.


When it comes to storage, you have two primary options: traditional hard disk drives (HDDs) and solid-state drives (SSDs). HDDs offer larger storage capacities at a lower cost per gigabyte, making them suitable for storing large media files and personal documents. However, SSDs provide significantly faster read and write speeds, resulting in improved system responsiveness and faster game loading times. It’s common to have a combination of both, with an SSD for the operating system and frequently used applications, and an HDD for mass storage.

Power supply

The power supply unit (PSU) is responsible for providing the necessary power to all the components within your PC. It’s crucial to choose a reliable and high-quality PSU to ensure the stable and efficient operation of your computer. Factors to consider when selecting a PSU include wattage, efficiency ratings, modularity, and brand reputation. It’s generally recommended to choose a PSU with higher wattage than your system requires to allow for any future upgrades and to ensure sufficient power delivery.


The motherboard is the main circuit board of your computer, serving as the foundation for all other components to connect and communicate with each other. When selecting a motherboard, you need to consider factors such as compatibility with your chosen processor, the number and type of expansion slots, the available connectivity options (e.g., USB ports, SATA ports), and the overall build quality. It’s important to choose a motherboard that suits your needs and allows for potential future upgrades.

Cooling system

Proper cooling is vital to prevent overheating and maintain optimal performance. Cooling systems come in various forms, including air cooling and liquid cooling. Air cooling relies on fans and heat sinks to dissipate heat from components. It’s a cost-effective and reliable cooling solution but may not be as efficient as liquid cooling, especially for extreme overclocking. Liquid cooling systems, on the other hand, use liquid-filled tubes and radiator units to dissipate heat more effectively. They tend to be more expensive and require additional maintenance but provide superior cooling performance, making them suitable for high-end gaming and overclocking enthusiasts.


The monitor is the primary display device for your PC. When selecting a monitor, factors such as screen size, resolution, refresh rate, and panel type should be considered. Screen size depends on personal preference and available desk space, while resolution determines the level of detail and clarity on-screen. For gaming and multimedia tasks, a higher refresh rate (usually 144Hz or above) provides smoother motion and reduced blur. Panel types, such as IPS (In-Plane Switching), TN (Twisted Nematic), and VA (Vertical Alignment), each have their own advantages and disadvantages in terms of color accuracy, response time, and viewing angles.


In addition to the main components, it’s important to consider the peripherals you’ll need to complete your PC setup. This includes items like a keyboard, mouse, speakers, and headphones. Choosing high-quality peripherals that are comfortable and suited to your needs can greatly enhance your overall computing experience. Factors to consider include ergonomics, connectivity options, programmable features, audio quality, and build quality.

Operating System

After assembling your PC, you’ll need an operating system (OS) to manage and control your computer’s hardware and software. There are three main choices available: Windows, Mac OS, and Linux. The operating system you choose will depend on your personal preferences, compatibility requirements, and intended use for the computer.


Windows is the most popular and widely used operating system among PC users. It offers a user-friendly interface, extensive software compatibility, and a vast selection of games. Windows 10 is the latest version, and it’s suitable for a wide range of users, from casual home users to business professionals and gamers. Microsoft regularly releases updates and security patches to improve performance and fix any potential vulnerabilities.

Mac OS

Mac OS, developed by Apple, is the operating system exclusively designed for Apple’s Macintosh computers. It provides a sleek and intuitive user interface, seamless integration with other Apple devices, and strong security features. Mac OS offers a robust ecosystem of software optimized for creative tasks such as graphic design, video editing, and music production. If you are already heavily invested in the Apple ecosystem or have a preference for Apple’s design philosophy, Mac OS may be the ideal choice for you.


Linux is an open-source operating system that offers a high level of customization and flexibility. There are many different distributions (or “distros”) of Linux, each with its own set of features and user interfaces. Linux is known for its stability, security, and efficiency, making it popular among developers, administrators, and enthusiasts. It’s a great choice if you have specific programming needs, prefer an open-source environment, or want more control over your system.

What Is A Good Amount Of Money For A PC?


Gaming is one of the most common reasons people invest in a PC, and the level of gaming experience you desire will greatly influence your budget and component choices. Let’s explore the different levels of gaming performance and what you can expect from each.

Casual gaming

If your gaming needs are limited to casual titles and older games, you don’t necessarily need a high-performance PC. A low to mid-range PC can handle most casual games with ease, providing a smooth and enjoyable gaming experience. These games typically have lower system requirements and are less graphically demanding, allowing you to save money on your components.

Entry-level gaming

For those looking to play modern games at medium settings and respectable frame rates, an entry-level gaming PC is a good choice. This level of gaming performance usually requires a mid-range PC with a capable processor and a dedicated graphics card. Entry-level gaming PCs can handle popular games at 1080p resolution with moderate graphics settings, providing a satisfying gaming experience without breaking the bank.

Mid-range gaming

If you want to play the latest AAA titles at high settings and smooth frame rates, a mid-range gaming PC is your best bet. With a mid-range PC, you can enjoy gaming at 1080p or higher resolutions with improved graphical fidelity and faster frame rates. These PCs typically feature more powerful processors, high-performance graphics cards, and ample amounts of memory to handle demanding games and multitasking without lag or performance issues.

High-end gaming

For the ultimate gaming experience with no compromises, a high-end gaming PC is what you’re after. These PCs are built to handle the most demanding games at the highest settings possible, even at 4K resolutions. High-end gaming PCs feature top-of-the-line processors, flagship graphics cards, generous amounts of high-speed memory, and fast storage options. They are designed to deliver buttery-smooth gameplay, immersive virtual reality experiences, and jaw-dropping visuals. However, it’s important to note that high-end gaming comes with a significant price tag, so be prepared to invest accordingly.


While gaming may be the primary focus for some PC users, others rely on their computers for various productivity tasks. The level of productivity performance you need will depend on the specific tasks you regularly undertake.

Basic office tasks

For basic office tasks such as web browsing, email, document editing, and spreadsheet management, even a low-end PC will suffice. These tasks don’t require significant processing power or dedicated graphics, making a budget-friendly PC a suitable choice. However, it’s still recommended to invest in a PC with an ergonomic keyboard, a comfortable mouse, and a reliable monitor to enhance your productivity and ensure a comfortable working environment.

Graphic design

Graphic design tasks, which often involve working with large image files and running resource-intensive software like Adobe Photoshop or Illustrator, require a more capable PC. A mid-range or high-end PC with a powerful processor, ample memory, and a dedicated graphics card is ideal for graphic design work. A high-resolution monitor with accurate color reproduction and good viewing angles is also recommended to ensure precise color editing and detailed image manipulation.

Video editing

Video editing is a resource-intensive task that demands significant processing power, storage capacity, and memory. To edit videos smoothly and efficiently without frustrating lag or rendering times, a high-end PC is essential. High-end processors, large amounts of high-speed memory, and fast storage solutions are key components to consider. Additionally, a color-accurate display with a high resolution and a large workspace will greatly enhance the editing process.

Programming and virtualization

If you are a programmer or work with virtualization software, a PC with a strong emphasis on processing power and memory is crucial. Compiling code or running multiple virtual machines simultaneously requires a high-performance processor and a significant amount of memory. Additionally, having multiple monitors can greatly improve your productivity by allowing you to view and work on multiple projects or environments simultaneously.


When investing in a PC, it’s important to consider its future viability and ability to adapt to evolving technologies. Future-proofing refers to choosing components and features that will remain relevant and capable for several years to come.

Technical advancements

Technology is constantly evolving, and new components and features are constantly being introduced to the market. Future-proofing involves selecting components that incorporate the latest technologies and features, ensuring your PC remains capable and relevant for a longer period of time. Keep an eye out for technologies such as PCIe 4.0, USB 4.0, faster storage options (NVMe SSDs), and emerging graphics card technologies (Ray Tracing, DLSS). While future-proofing can never guarantee complete longevity, it can help delay the need for frequent upgrades.


Flexibility and upgradeability are key factors in future-proofing your PC. Choose a motherboard and power supply that provide sufficient expansion slots and connectors for future upgrades. Opt for a case that has ample space for additional components and effective cable management for easy upgrades. Prioritize a modular power supply that allows you to add or replace components without constraints. By considering upgradeability during the initial build, you can extend the lifespan of your PC and adapt to changing needs without starting from scratch.

Price vs Performance

When choosing components for your PC, it’s important to strike the right balance between price and performance. While it may be tempting to splurge on the highest-performing components available, it’s not always necessary or practical. Understanding the value for money and the price-to-performance ratio of different components allows you to optimize your budget while still achieving the desired level of performance.

Value for money

Value for money refers to how much performance and functionality you can get for the price you pay. It’s important to consider the specific requirements of your intended use and select components that provide the necessary performance without unnecessary frills or inflated costs. Carefully research different models, compare specifications, and read reviews to determine the components that offer the best value for your budget. By prioritizing value for money, you can save money without sacrificing overall performance.

Price-to-performance ratio

The price-to-performance ratio measures the amount of performance you get for the price of a component. It helps determine whether a particular component offers good value for its cost. To calculate the price-to-performance ratio, divide the performance metric (such as clock speed or graphics card benchmark score) by the cost of the component. A higher ratio indicates a better value for money. Keep in mind that price-to-performance ratios can vary across different components and price ranges, so it’s crucial to compare options within your specific budget.

Pre-built vs Custom

When purchasing a PC, you have the option of buying a pre-built system or building a custom PC from scratch. Both options have their advantages and disadvantages, and your decision will depend on factors such as your technical expertise, budget, and desired level of customization.

Pros of pre-built PCs

One of the main advantages of pre-built PCs is convenience. They come ready to use out of the box, with all components already assembled and tested. This is especially beneficial if you have limited technical knowledge or simply want to avoid the hassle of selecting and assembling individual components. Pre-built PCs also tend to come with manufacturer warranties and customer support, providing peace of mind and assistance in case of any issues.

Pros of custom-built PCs

Building a custom PC offers several advantages for those willing to put in the time and effort. The first and most significant advantage is customization. With a custom-built PC, you have complete control over the selection of components, allowing you to tailor your system to your specific requirements. This offers more flexibility, as you can prioritize performance in certain areas (such as gaming or video editing) while saving costs in others. Additionally, by building a PC yourself, you gain valuable knowledge of the inner workings of your computer, making troubleshooting and future upgrades easier.

Warranties and Support

PC components may sometimes experience failures or defects, leading to the need for repairs or replacements. That’s where warranties and customer support come into play. Understanding the different types of warranties and the level of customer support provided can help you make an informed decision when purchasing your PC components.

Manufacturer warranty

Most PC components come with a manufacturer warranty, which provides coverage for a specific period of time after your purchase. Warranties vary among manufacturers, with some offering longer coverage or more extensive protection than others. It’s important to carefully read the warranty terms and conditions to understand what is covered, what is excluded, and any additional requirements or limitations. In the event of a defect or failure, a manufacturer warranty allows you to potentially receive repairs or replacements at no cost or a reduced cost, depending on the specific terms.

Extended warranties

An extended warranty is an additional protection plan that can be purchased separately from the manufacturer warranty. Extended warranties usually extend the coverage period beyond what the manufacturer warranty offers. They can provide peace of mind by offering longer-term protection against defects or failures. However, it’s important to carefully consider the cost of the extended warranty compared to the likelihood of needing extensive repairs or replacements. In some cases, the cost of the extended warranty may not be justified, especially if the manufacturer warranty already provides sufficient coverage.

Customer support

Customer support is an important aspect to consider when purchasing PC components. It’s essential to choose reputable brands known for their strong customer support and responsiveness. Whether you have questions about compatibility, need technical assistance, or encounter issues after your purchase, reliable customer support can make a significant difference in your overall experience. Look for manufacturers that offer multiple means of contacting support (phone, email, live chat) and have a history of prompt and helpful responses.

Additional Costs

When budgeting for your PC, it’s important to consider additional costs beyond the components themselves. These additional costs can include software licenses, accessories and peripherals, and potential future upgrades and maintenance.

Software licenses

Certain software applications, particularly professional tools, may require individual licenses for full functionality. When planning your budget, consider any software licenses you may need to purchase separately. This can include operating systems (such as Windows or Mac OS), office productivity suites (such as Microsoft Office or Adobe Creative Cloud), or specialized software for specific tasks (such as video editing or programming environments). It’s important to account for these costs to ensure you have access to the tools you need.

Accessories and peripherals

Accessories and peripherals can greatly enhance your computing experience, but they can also add to the overall cost. These include items like a keyboard, mouse, monitor, speakers, headphones, and gaming controllers. When selecting accessories and peripherals, prioritize quality, comfort, and functionality. Investing in ergonomic peripherals can help reduce strain and improve productivity, while high-quality monitors and audio equipment can significantly enhance your gaming or multimedia experience.

Upgrades and maintenance

Technology evolves quickly, and components can become outdated or less effective over time. It’s important to consider potential future upgrades and maintenance costs when planning your budget. Upgrades may include adding more RAM, upgrading storage, or replacing aging components. Additionally, regular maintenance, such as cleaning fans and filters, applying thermal paste, and updating drivers and software, can help prolong the life and performance of your PC. By factoring in these potential costs, you can ensure that your PC remains capable and relevant for a longer period of time.

In conclusion, when determining how much money to spend on a PC, it’s important to consider your specific needs and budget. By understanding the different budget categories and the performance and capabilities associated with each, you can make an informed decision. Consider the components that are most important for your intended use, weigh the advantages and disadvantages of pre-built vs custom PCs, and factor in additional costs such as software licenses and peripherals. With careful consideration and research, you can find a PC that meets your needs and provides a great balance between price and performance.



